What Are Your Good Habits?
Last year someone recommended I read Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning  … I read it in a few days on holiday and completed the exercises he suggested coming back from my trip ready to implement a version of his system that would work for me. Just like Elrod I find the system so beneficial I even practice it at weekends and on holidays relishing the first hour of the day to allow me to prepare, focus and plan what I want in  my life, without interruption.
Around the same time I bought Jeff Olson’s The Slight Edge  on audio and listened to it whenever I travelled in the car or on public transport. As a result of the thoughts and strategies in these 2 publications, I resolved to stop reading free newspapers on the train and create a new habit to read business development and self development books, articles I knew would help me achieve my business and personal goals and also to listen to podcasts that inform or challenge me in the car, and watching less TV so I had more time to read books and listen to the podcasts I chose.
As a result in the first 2.5 months of the year I have read Sophie Bennett’s Money Bondage and reconsidered my reactions to and beliefs about money and implemented changes. I have read  A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled by Ruby Wax , I have worked my way through several how to guides to teach myself more about my Mac, started using Acuity Scheduling  software to manage my work and personal diaries on Sophie Bennett’s ‘s recommendation and we are adopting Wrike project management software for all our jobs so I can more easily see what stage they are at and take lots of emails out of our inboxes too.
I am currently reading Work Smarter, Live Better by Cyril Peupion  and planning to overhaul my inbox, diary, filing system and to focus on key tasks that will be key to my  business growth.  I’ve still got Dr Christian Northrup’s Goddesses Never Age and Turning Point by Dr Rohan Weerasinghe to read and have ordered  The Life Plan by Shannah Kennedy so I can see where these will take me and what I will want to read next,
I’m not missing the free papers or the TV programmes but I have learned so much and it is certainly giving me the Slight Edge in my business now and no doubt in the years ahead too.
There is no reason to wait till New Year 2017 to make changes in your life and create new habits, just focus on what you want to do differently and start today. Make small changes that will make a big difference in your life.