Food Business Operators

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Simple ways to revitalise your tea business during COVID-19

Extract from a Webinar & an article created for the Tea & Herbal Association of Canada in 2020     For most tea businesses, regardless of where they are based in the World, March 2020 saw major disruption to their normal trading patterns.  Whether you are a tea producer, a trader, a store owner, or […]

Jane Milton, first to qualify in UK as a TAC Tea Sommelier Professional

Having been asked by a number of clients to help them make choices about , teas they could add to their foods to add specific flavours or give a certain benefit to the food, opportunities for making products with tea, helping businesses who blend or produce tea establish themsleves in the UK market or about […]

A taste for tea

  People often ask me why I decided to study to be a tea sommelier. My love of tea stems from my Cake Awards days when I was introduced to the Sri Lankan tea company Dilmah and its quality single estate teas. I attended their School of Tea course in Sri Lanka and everything about […]

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